Leadership Awards
The SASE Leadership Awards were established to celebrate technical accomplishments and advancements in the fields of science, engineering and technology and to recognize exemplary leadership in the SASE community, including volunteerism.
2024 Leadership Awardees will be honored during the Opening Ceremony at this year's professional conference on the evening of Wednesday, October 9.
Achievement Awards
Companies and government agencies highlight top talent within their own organizations through SASE’s Achievement Awards. Individuals are recognized who meet or exceed the criteria in one of seven categories.
2024 Achievement Awardees will be honored during the awards recognition dinner on the evening of Thursday, October 10 with the full professional conference.
SASESalutes Awards
SASEsalutes Military Service Awards honor those of Asian heritage who serve or have served in our country’s military. Their stories depict virtues that we value as Asian professionals and as citizens of our great nation.
2024 SASESalutes Awardees will be honored during the opening plenary on Friday, October 11 morning, along with a keynote from our SASESalutes Distinguished Career Service Award honoree, Major General Antonio Taguba, US Army Retired.
2022 Leadership Award Videos